Friday, May 1, 2009

RLC Team Made Its Debut

RLC means Ras Laffan Industrial City. It is for those who do not know what RLC stands for. It is where my office is..

The match was the 1st match after almost two months of training.. It was on 28 April 2009 ie last week.

Getting ready for the championship was not easy. What made it more challenging was to get the players who worked on shifts to attend the trainings. What made matter worse was that the coach, Ali was also a professional player who had commitment to his club. Even then, the coach seemed more committed & discipline than the players...hehe. I suppose it took a lot of discipline & hardwork to be a professional footballers. Else, everyone would be a professional footballers. I was very sure I would not be one.. haha. I could never play football.

The good thing about having involved with the training was that I had already lost 5kg, I still needed to trim 4kg more... With the tournament had been in full gear, I might not be able to fully participate in the trainings. The coach & players now concentrated more on tactics & strategy. I was really going for fitness.. I could still join them for early part of the training ie fitness part of it..

All the preparations were for QP Chairman Football Tournament 2009. It was officially launched on 22 April 2009. All Oil & Gas companies operating in Qatar had been invited to participate in the tournament.On its 1st debut on 28 April 2009, RLC team fought hard till the end. At the end, they had to settle for a 3-2 lost to Gas Operation, Maiseed. It was an interesting game with RLC team controlled the 1st half of the game. Unfortunately, luck was not on RLC side on that night.

They have two more games for the 1st round. Hopefully, they will win and qualify for 2nd round.

1 comment:

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