Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Landed safely in KLIA

Just a short update about our travel progress..

We departed almost on time last night if not for a group of passengers who did not want to cooperate. First of all, they tried to get about 10 of them to seat near to each other. Almost impossible task considering the flight was fully book. Somehow they managed purely on the ground that nobody bothered top argue at 1am in the morning. We preferred to sleep.

It was a smooth journey throughout. Slight turbulence on the Indian Ocean, as expected. Smooth landing as well... Met also personnels from Proton who were on transit in Doha from Algiers, Algeria.

Now, here I am... Reach our home at around 4.30pm after struggling to get a big Airport Limo to accommodate 3 big check in bags & 3 hand luggages.

I am suppose to play golf tomorrow with good friends, unfortunately it has to be canceled due to last minute meeting arrangement. It is okay. Some people need to work to earn a living, I guess... hehe. I also need to work really hard to brush up my skill again after a long 1 1/2 years break from golf..


Anonymous said...

Aku tak tau plak ko memang kaki golf bro... Apa kata kita start main kat Doha nak. Aku pun dah dekat 5 tahun tak main ni. Tapi kalau ada kaki macam ko, ada chance aku start balik nih....

Anonymous said...

bole saja.. ramai dah aku jumpa kaki2 yg mcm dah pencen tapi nak main baik..

Anonymous said...

Semalam aku jumpa golfer mat salleh ni. Dia kata sekarang ni, weekends only reserved for members and their guests. Membership pula on waitlist. Don't know how much though.

Anonymous said...

Main golf kat rumah aje kalu macam tu. At least u have 2 balls and one hole.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home:)

Anonymous said...

Kelakar la Anonymous ni. By the way, bila lak nak ada posting baru ni Adam??? Yang sekarang ni dah nak berkarat dah ni...