Tuesday, September 9, 2008

End of one chapter, the beginning of another

It has been almost week since Alisha left Marry Poppins. We bought the teachers some chocs to show our appreciation for taking care of our little Alisha for about 1 year. She joined Marry Poppins around this time last year. It was not easy for us. We felt very comfortable to keep Alisha at that nursery. The teachers seemed to enjoy her company as well.

Now the time has come for her to go to 'big school'-term used by the teachers to tell Alisha & the kids that they are already now big girls & boys. That itself prepared them mentally for the new adventure in life.

1st day at the new school was no different at any school in the world, I guess. You could hear kids crying. Alisha seemed very composed. She seemed to be prepared for anything. What she was not aware was the fact that the school medium is 100% Arabic. She was ecstatic to see the uniform! Maklum la sebelum ni tak pernah pakai uniform kan..

We decided to send Alisha to the Arabic kindergarten for her to grasp Arabic. We plan to put her at the school until she reaches 6 years old. We reckon two years is good for her to master Arabic before we bring her back to English medium school. Hopefully she will be able to master the language of the Quran soon...


Anonymous said...


Saya kagum dgn keputusan tuan utk memasukkan anak ke sekolah arab. Setiap benda yg kita buat dikira dari niat. Dan Niat saudara utk anak itu dapat ilmu bahasa arab bagi membaca Al-Quran amatlah membanggakan dan harapan saya anak itu akan sentiasa mendapat rahmat Allah hendaknya. Ameen.

Anonymous said...

really macam ayah mithali..

Eone said...

Adam...dah meningkat dewasa ...Alhamdulilah :)