Thursday, August 7, 2008

Program Sumbangan Beras Sempena Ramadan 2008

Program Sumbangan Beras to Vietnam's Muslim Community sempena bulan Ramadan tahun ni. This is an annual donation programme organised by my ex-PETRONAS colleagues in PC Vietnam Ltd, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. They also organise Program Qurban sempena Hari Raya Haji.

They plan to deliver the rice on 3rd week of August ie 1 week before Ramadan.

The two photos attached may give you some insight to the condition of one of the Muslim communities in Vietnam. Extraordinary dhaif!

This is the surau in one of the kampungs (above) &
the kampung (below).
I would say most Muslims in Vietnam are Malay origin. Most of them are Malay Champa.
Hopefully we can sedekah a lot more this time around. Last year, we managed to sedekah in total 17,146kg of rice to 64 masjids & surau. On top, sedekah also given to fakir miskin, anak-anak yatim, ustaz etc. seramai 243 people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are wrong! The Cham muslim of Vietnam are not Malay origin. They are originally from Champa, a kingdom in central Vietnam, not Malaysia. You need to do your research first before posting.