Friday, May 9, 2008

Summer is definitely here...

It is summer time... Temperature is rising.. It can be very hot during the day. I noticed temperature of 41C lately. It was still considered mild. It could and it would be hotter than 41C. At the peak of summer, temperature can easily reach 49C..hmmm

To be honest, I don't mind the heat. What I mind is the humidity. Luckily the humidity will only get worse in late August, normally. Nowadays, we can not really tell. The weather has become so erratic for the past few years.. Global warming I suppose? It was a pleasant surprise to us when it rained last Monday. Normally rain only occurred in Qatar at year end or early of the year. Imagine.. Now, we are already in May... Yet, it rained...

Summer time can also mean a torturous season for me.. It is not the heat that causes the torture. It is the tap water.. The tap water can be very hot during the summer. Sometime it feels like boiling hot water.. Today, I have switched off the water heater. We don't require the hot water tap anymore. Cool water tap is sufficient for us. Even in the early morning, the water from the cold tap is hot.. During the day, the water is boiling hot. I wonder if I could actually "masak telor tiga suku" using the water from the cold water tap.. May be I can try one day….


Anonymous said...

u might boil ur telor while u mandi i guess... :-)

Anonymous said...

mana tak hujan bulan may, ramai sangat malaysian expat. It is not global warming..